
Written By: Grant Cappy | @happyjoecappy

Two weeks after visiting Hawaii it was time to explore the other noncontiguous US state, Alaska! Our 49th and 50th states were key players in my decision to move west so when I came across cheap flights in May I jumped on both! Having the ability to work from anywhere and having PTO saved up certainly made it easier. Hawaii was incredible as you can imagine but it was always Alaska that kept me lying awake at night wondering.

“The mountains are calling and I must go.” -John Muir

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Written By: Grant Cappy | @happyjoecappy

A year had gone by since the East coast road trip in ’14 so I was very eager for another big trip. Although this time I took to the air and was without my previous badass companions who were busy doing great things! Because of their support I felt very prepared for another long trip and my love and curiosity for nature, hiking and photography had significantly increased.

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